About Contours Manukau

Contours Manukau is the biggest womens only gym in New Zealand. Located in the heart of Manukau City, we provide a friendly, safe and comfortable place for women to exercise and relax. We're not just an ordinary gym- we're a step above with a focus on all aspects of womens health.

Up And Go!

No, I’m not talking about the very sugary drink in a carton I’m talking about literally getting up in the morning and leaving the house without anything to line our tummies!
We’ve heard it a million times, our Grandma’s went on about it when we were 6 years old, our teachers went on about it in Food Tech and now us trainers are constantly banging our heads against a brick wall about it on a daily basis trying to make people understand and see that; “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
For me I find it hard to comprehend functioning throughout the day without my breakfast particularly as it is actually my favorite meal of the day! Meal Number 1 is my opportunity to eat my carbohydrates and not feel guilty about it as the right breakfast ensures I have lots of energy for my training sessions later on in the day and sets me up for the rest of the day.
Not hungry?

Whilst you may not be hungry first thing in the morning forcing yourself to eat something, (we’ll discuss what that something should be in a moment), is one of the most beneficial things you can do. Another favorite you’ll hear from us trainers is the term ‘little and often’ (this is referring to how we would like you to eat during the day, 5-6 small meals and snacks as opposed to the traditional 3 square meals), so after hopefully 8 hours of solid sleep our bodies are in a fasting state and we need to jump start our metabolism with breakfast in order to get our bodies process’s moving.

Breakfast with Joy

Now, for all of those whose excuse is that you don’t have time in the morning to eat breakfast I start work every morning at 6am and still manage breakfast so you’ll have to come up with another reason!-set that alarm earlier to get up and get well fed to start your day, your body will soon become used to that early alarm call and it also means there is less of a chance of over-eating at lunch time.

When you get to the point where your belly is rumbling then we tend to make bad decisions and are more likely to reach for whatever is available to satisfy that hunger regardless of whether that is a McDonald’s or a pie. In addition, we are more inclined to over-eat as we will try to cram as much as possible in to our mouths in a short period of time in order to attain instant satisfaction.

 Menu Option 1

(This is my particular fav and what I start my day with 5 out of 6 days)

Oatmeal with a cup of berries or a sprinkle of cinnamon (I also add a scoop of protein powder to increase the protein quantity) The complex carbs in this option will provide you with plenty of fiber and keep that hunger at bay for longer, don’t over do it though a cup of cooked oats is all you need

Menu Option 2

Cereal such as Special K and All Bran are awesome choices but in general stick to cereals that have at least 5 grams of fiber and have the minimum amount of added sugar. As women we need calcium so the milk we use over our cereal is a good opportunity to get this in

Menu Option 3

Poached eggs on vogels are a good option if you do have a bit more time on your hands. Eggs in general are full of protein, low in calories and low in fat so mix it up with either scrambled (with your low-fat milk and no added salt) or boiled eggs and soldiers. Surely it goes without saying though that we want to be avoiding fried eggs!

Menu Option 4

Yogurt and Fruit is another good food combo. You will once again be getting some of your much needed calcium and will also satisfy that sweet tooth with some nice juicy apple segments

 Menu Option 5

Toast; if you are someone that jumps up in the morning and automatically pops two slices of bread in the toaster it’ about choosing the ‘better, healthier’ options. Go for your more sustainable brown breads like vogels rather than white bread and choose a spread like peanut butter which is packed with healthy fats rather than sugary spreads like jam

If you find you cannot stomach food then a liquid option such as a smoothie or a protein shake may be a good option for you and works just as well. However, you want to be avoiding ‘to-go’ breakfasts like pop-tarts and ‘up-and-go’s’ which are all really high in sugar.

Top Tips


  1. Breakfast tastes great-give one or all of the options above a go, variety is the key so you don’t get bored with the same thing day after day
  2. If you want to continue to see progress in your fitness and diet goals, never leave this meal out again
  3. Eating the right breakfast will pay off in terms of faster muscle gains and LOADS of energy throughout the day
  4. Get up early and make the time for ‘the most important meal of the day!

Our Wonderful Member of the Month- Heather Grinter

Each month the team at Contours Manukau are faced with the daunting task of selecting one of our amazing members to be the member of the month. This is always a challenge as there are so many ladies acheiving so many awesome things, but there can only be one!

Our member of the month for August is the inspiratioinal Heather Grinter.

“I have been a member here for 10 years, first joining before I got married in hope of loosing some weight before the big day.    I ended up loosing a lot of weight (32 kg) after the big day instead, then a few years after keeping it off, got pregnant, I had my baby 4 ½ years ago, and although coming back to the gym when he was only 7 weeks old the weight did not seem to fall off, in fact it was going on, and in April this year I topped the scales at 100 kg.  I knew deep down even though I continued to come to the gym 5 days a week that I had to take control of this and do something about it.    It was that realisation that put me in the right mind space to do something about it. 

 I decided that this was going to be it.  I made myself a goal to loose 20kg by the time my sister has a ‘0’ birthday at the end of September.  With two weeks to go I have now lost 18.5 kg, and intend to hit that goal by then.    Early on I realised that I was going to have to up my exercise in order to get the results, but actually that has been quite easy, the more I loose the easier it got.    Now I exercise everyday and 2 times a day 4 or 5 days a week.  I have been a bit selfish on that point and made it work for me and my family, if it means getting up at 5.30 am in the morning that is what I will do.  Food has also been a huge part of this success as well.  I keep a diary everyday of what I eat and write everything down, making sure I eat lots of Fruit and Veges, and food that is going to benefit me.  Some foods which I use to love I don’t go near now.

 The rest of my success has come from the support of my Family and friends and definantly Sheree here at the gym.  Early on I would email her all the time and talk over what I was doing.  Her huge amount of confidence in me and encouragement has been great.   And I cannot forget the support from the girls here at 6 am in the morning; the encouragement from them along the way has been great.

 The way I feel now, I am a different person, more confident, to the point that my sister and I have just taken part as cast members in the Rugby World cup Opening Ceremony.  If I had not lost the weight I don’t think I would have had the confidence to actually audition, let alone be able to do all the running around.    My Flexibility has increased and aerobically I am fitter, you do wonder how you coped before.     I don’t want to go back to how I was therefore I am determined to keep this frame of mind and stay healthy.    I wonder what my next goal will be ………..”

To stretch or not to stretch? That is the question!

If you are anything like me I often see stretching as an annoying chore and a lot of the times skip it completely. I would happily spend another 5 minutes on the treadmill rather than lying on my back doing ‘nothing’.

However, thanks to Sheree and my seemingly tight hamstrings it is some-what glaringly obvious that we have to look after our muscles and in not doing so could not only be counter-productive but could also leave us in pain for a number of days to follow and hamper performance.

 Body Balance

I remember the first ever time I tried body balance; being young and naive I assumed that if my heart rate wasn’t beating at 160 a minute and I wasn’t swimming in my own sweat I couldn’t possibly be working out. However, a number of years later with my growing wisdom I decided to give it another go in an attempt to increase my flexibility. We all lead such speedy frantic lives now and we want to do everything in a hurry. However, if possible I suggest trying to fit a session of body balance into your fitness regime. The 10 minute relaxation section at the end when the lights go off and you can even bring along your own pillow and blankey makes all the ‘down-ward dogs’ and ‘tree poses’ all worth while. Relaxation allows the nervous system to catch up and an ability to relax makes you both mentally and emotionally stronger, both equally as important as physical strength.

When to stretch?

There is no excuse really, myself included; in not stretching as there is no need to stretch every single body part just the particular body part you may have trained. Spending 10-15 minutes at the end of a one hour workout can actually help speed up muscle growth and will reduce the chances of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness- all you need to know about this is it hurts and can last anything up to 72 hours!)

The debate still continues over the effectiveness and need for stretching before a work-out but more and more evidence seems to suggest that in doing so will not actually reduce the risk of injury nor will it help with flexibility. So, there we have it, no excuses really as we only need to be doing it post work-out on the body part we’ve worked out!

 How to stretch?

 Flexibility is essential for ‘normal’ joint health and can improve posture and quality of life by enabling the range of motion is at its greatest possible. There are several ways to performing stretches including

  • Static
  • Ballistic (not recommended so I’m not even going to tell you how it’s done)
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) –(don’t worry, all will be revealed)

 Static Stretching

 This is probably the most common form of stretching and the one most associate with the term flexibility- can I touch my toes? Static stretching is slow and constant and should be held for up to 30 seconds, in addition static stretching should be done to the point of mild discomfort but not to the point of pain.

 Joy’s Top Tips

  1. Never bounce whilst holding a stretch as this will increase the risk of injury
  2. Hold stretches for a minimum of 10 seconds but the longer the better

When enough is enough!

It is easy for many of us to believe there is no such thing as too much exercise. However, ask yourselves; ‘Are you suffering from a loss of appetite; loss of motivation; fatigue; depression and increased amounts of minor injuries?’- if so, you might be in danger of ‘over-training’. With goals to get ready for our bikini’s and the 8 week Biggest Loser Challenge at its half way point, it is not surprising some signs of over-training have begun to rear their ugly head.

There are many factors that contribute to overtraining including;

  • Inadequate nutrition
  • Excessive training volume and frequency
  • Insufficient amounts of sleep

Lack of food

I am sure some of us, myself included have begun to develop a carb phobia due to the false beliefs that carbohydrates are responsible for weight gain. However, we often underestimate the amount of calories and the food we need to eat in order to support an intense training programme. Carbohydrates in particular are the prime energy source for our body, a lack of carbs could result in a loss in physical performance. Dietary fats are equally as important in protection against free radical damage which is often caused by exercise. After a period of intense exercise the human body is in a catabolic state, proper post exercise nutrition including adequate carbohydrates and protein must take place.

What is too much?

Everyone is different and different people can cope with different amounts of stress on their bodies. The success of a life-long healthy change is ensuring programmes take into account people’s interests, needs, schedules and family, work and social commitments; there is no point going ‘hard out’ for an 8 week challenge just to put it all back on when you get back to the ‘everyday.’ Plan for light, medium and hard training days and you will get far better results than coming in every day and giving half-hearted attempts due to you lack of energy.

Get some Z’s

A big issue is that people feel they will undo all the progress they have made if they do not push through the fatigue and pain they might be in. However, the gym is not necessarily where the changes in your body take place. Rest and sleep is just as important as diet and exercise as it enables our bodies to recuperate. A good training programme should include rest days to allow for recovery and give your muscles a chance to repair enabling you to return to your training feeling stronger and mentally revitalized. Listen to your body, if it’s telling you to take a break then do just that!

Joy’s Top Tips

  1. Try and get a solid 8 hours of sleep every night
  2. Allow rest days to enable your body to recuperate
  3. Keep a track of your food with a food diary; if you record accurately and truthfully you become aware of habits that may be hindering your efforts
  4. Set small goals and set new ones once you achieve these to stay focused and motivated as having a ‘mountain’ to climb can be disheartening
  5. Mix it up – keep your body guessing and your results will be a lot quicker than sticking to the same routine week after week

Feeling Fuzzy?

Fuzzy? Here Comes A Hydration Nudge!

• A human is about 67% water

• A chicken is about 75% water.

• A pineapple is about 80% water

• Over an average lifespan, a human takes in more than 16,000 gallons of water

• Dehydration can occur in any season

• Lack of water is the #1 cause of daytime tiredness

• Adult’s need 8- 10 glasses of drinking water daily…

…Yes we all know it, but do we all drink our 8-10 glasses of water daily? I certainly find it hard to get my recommended intake each day, but I do try!

Did you know that as little as a 2 percent drop in body water can cause fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and trouble focusing on your computer screen? Water is constantly leaving your body through natural processes, and it must be replenished.

With weight loss being that goal for so many of us water is essential. A body that is becoming dehydrated has lower metabolism and cannot burn as much fat. A benefit of drinking water, at least for dieters, is that it increases metabolism by as much as 2%. Water is also said to be a natural appetite suppressant. The hunger that we sense is often nothing more than our bodies asking for water. So try having a glass of the good stuff before reaching for that extra snack. Water can also increase your energy levels, giving you that extra boost to fit in your daily exercise!

So to ensure you are getting your recommended water intake, invest in a drink bottle and keep it with you everywhere you go. You will feel great, I promise!

Watching The World Cup AND Your Waist Line

So, the World Cup is just around the corner and we all want to be cheering on our team, (Come on England!) but how can we do it without it affecting our waist lines?

The Facts

• Full of ‘empty calories’ : Alcohol supplies almost twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrates

• “Make mine a large Donna and chips” : Alcohol can increase appetite, making the combination of alcohol and a fattening meal all the worse

• The morning (more like the afternoon) after the night before : alcohol has a negative impact on your body’s hydration so your body’s performance after a big night will also suffer However, alcohol is well-established as part of human culture, it plays a huge role in celebration so with the right choices; maintaining your fitness regime and enjoying a few drinks in moderation, there should be no problem in keeping your goals on track.

What are those right choices?

• Wine or treat yourself to some champagne

• Straight liquors such as scotch, vodka and gin have around 110 calories compared to 146 in a 12oz beer

• Mixers need to be sugarless; so no juice, tonic water or non-diet soda but seltzer and diet soda’s are appropriate

• If you are partial to a beer choose light beers over regular beers such as Amstel light and Beck’s Premier Light (just 64 calories) So, before you down that pint for every try New Zealand score just remember these top tips:

    1. Keep healthy food on hand when drinking i.e. almonds and dried fruit so we avoid compromising those nutritional habits
    2. Drink water between alcoholic drinks to increase the feeling of fullness
    3. Try lower calorie alternatives to significantly lower the calorie intake

Work out a couple of hours before a heavy night on the tiles and the chances are you will still be thinking about all that effort you have just put in at the gym and it would be a shame to let that to waste now wouldn’t it?

Your 4 Legged Training Buddy

The best gift you can give your dog is exercise, and the best gift you can give your body, that’s right- is exercise too! So owning a dog (especially larger breeds that demand more activity) will help you become more active more regularly!
We all have routines in our day to day life- and for dogs, having a routine is important too! Walking your 4 legged friend should be a regular part of your weekly plan- so why not utilise this pre-planned movement to clock up your cardiovascular activity?
Your dog will be the most reliable training buddy you’ve ever had! He will always be ready when you are, he will be excited and full of energy to keep you motivated and he will never let you down!
If you are already walking your dog each day, why not try extending the distance that you walk for or better still, pick up the pace and try a light jog. This can not only be more time effective, but your dog will love you for it!
Weather you are pencilling in more regular strolls with your pooch, walking around that extra block or upping the intensity to work up a sweat, you and your dog will no doubt feel much healthier and happier in no time.
I hope this inspires you to go out and walk your dog today!